Stage 3 Lockdown Roadmap

Good morning, here is some great news for your Monday morning!

We are now successfully entering Step 3.

We wanted to use this opportunity to go over the Lockdown Roadmap and its key dates.

Step one: 8th March & 29th March

  • All schools will open with outdoor after-school sports and activities allowed.
  • Recreation permitted in outdoor public spaces – such as a park – will be allowed between two people, meaning they would be allowed to sit down for a coffee, drink or picnic.
  • Outdoor gatherings of either six people or two households will be allowed. It is understood this will include gatherings in private gardens. Outdoor sports facilities such as tennis or basketball courts will reopen and organised adult and children’s sport, such as grassroots football, will also return.

Step 2: 12th April

  • Non-essential retail opens, hairdressers and some public buildings like libraries
  • Outdoor settings like beer gardens, zoos and theme parks can be opened.
  • Indoor leisure like swimming pools and gyms are opening.
  • Self-contained holiday accommodation, such as self-catering lets and camp sites can operate normally.

Step 3: 17th May

  • Two households can mix indoors – with the rule of six applied in hospitality settings like pubs.
  • Cinemas, museums, hotels, performances and sporting events reopen – though social distancing remains.
  • Up to 10,000 spectators can attend the very largest outdoor seated venues like football stadiums.
  • Up to 30 people will be able to attend weddings, receptions, funerals and wakes.

Step 4: 21st June

  • All legal limits on social contact removed.
  • Reopening nightclubs.
  • Restrictions on weddings and funerals will also be abolished.

Four conditions for Lockdown easing:

  1. Vaccine programme continues to go to plan.
  2. Evidence shows vaccines are reducing deaths and numbers requiring hospital treatment.
  3. Infection rates do not risk surge in hospital admissions.
  4. New variants do change the risk of lifting restrictions.

Source: Gov.UK

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West Kent – Ditton

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